“ Pretty boy's got an earing...
Dave Hepner
One of our first gigs
“ Don't forget to take your mace if you're out with OJ...
Mark Dell
Covering "Leave without a trace"
Messiah College
Messiah College
Love for the Day, Come What May, Kristina, Don't Forget What i Say, Hearts Are Falling, Time We Turn Back
Fire Escape 1992 show
Fire Escape Virginia Beach, 1992 Band Setup, Songs
Virginia Beach gig.
Lamb Jam 1992 show
Lamb Jam, 1992 Band Setup and Songs
Shorter video showing band setup and the actual songs.
Hot News
Lamb Jam 1992 show and roadtrip
Lamb Jam, 1992 Band Setup, Songs and Road Trip
Longer video showing band setup, songs and road trip to Virginia Beach.